
Deni Van

Deni Van

Personal and Professional Development Facilitator with Mindful Living and Consciousness Expansion


Deni Van is a highly respected professional hypnosis trainer with an impressive background in linguistics, hypnosis, and NLP coaching. She has dedicated her career to helping individuals unlock their full potential by tapping into the power of mindful living, integration, and consciousness expansion.

At Heartfelt Awakening, Deni has developed a revolutionary new approach to self-treatment that leverages the power of waking state hypnosis without requiring individuals to re-experience past trauma. Her method emphasizes integration over suppression as the key to unlocking states of healing through co-creation.

As an intentional creator at Heartfelt Awakening, Deni is passionate about guiding awakening hearts towards discovering their soul compass and authentic selves. Through her unique approach to spiritual healing and discovery, she empowers individuals to uncover their purpose while embracing their spiritual gifts for the betterment of humanity.

Ultimately, Deni’s mission is simple: To help others discover that true healing comes from within. With her wealth of knowledge and expertise in hypnosis training, she can help you tap into your inner strength so that you can live your best life possible.

By |2023-12-26T17:16:09-08:00December 26th, 2023|Comments Off on Deni Van

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